Tea Forte Advent Calendar: Day 22 - PEACH BRÛLÉE

 I apologize to my fellow grammar nerds for putting the tea flavour in all caps.  I had to compromise between copy/pasting the name from the Tea Forte website in all caps or neglecting to add the accents since I don't have the keyboard knowhow to type that stuff in on my own.  I know how to do it on my phone, but not on my desktop.  I'll learn one day, but today is not that day.

Right then, PEACH BRÛLÉE (God that's annoying, I will do my best to avoid naming the tea as much as possible in the body of this review to avoid all those jarring caps).  

"A refreshing juicy-sweet tea, lush with marigold flowers and mango" .... ho boy.  I've already told my regular readers how I feel about peach as a flavoring - I don't like it.  Adding more fruit doesn't tend to help as my palate finds peach to be an OVERWHELMING flavor.  This was no exception, no matter how much I wanted it to be.  Even having some shortbread with it to try and make it taste like peach cobbler (the one peach flavored thing that I actually DO enjoy) did nothing.  The shortbread tried its best, but the extra sweetness from the mango made both fruits too cloying on my palate to be diluted by the shortbread.

In the end, I admitted defeat and handed the cup over to Mum who walked away grinning and nearly cuddling the cup she was enjoying it so much.


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