I like that - I give myself permission to keep liking that

PSY made a comeback with SUGA from BTS as a guest producer and feature on the track and..... while the song is an utter bop, it's gotten me thinking deeper thoughts than I was ready for this morning. PSY's Gangnam Style (강남스타일) came out in 2012 and, in my world at least, it was EVERYWHERE. The only thing is.... in the communities where I was active, it was only present as the butt of a joke - as something to be mocked, disdained, and made fun of. This made it hard for me since, I low key found the track to be fun and enjoyable which meant that everywhere I went all my friends, associates, colleagues, etc. were collectively making fun of and disdaining something that gave me enjoyment. As such, I developed not a small amount of shame over my enjoyment of the song and forced myself to push it away. I can mentally see the expressions of shock on the faces of many of you as I see you reading this. I know that I have a reputation now a days of being the type of...