Fortnum & Mason Tea Advent Calendar Day 14 English Mint

 Another tinsane today.

I admit to not being terribly excited when I saw this one.  Mint infusions don't often do it for me.  And then I read the ingredients and saw that it's 100% peppermint leaves..... I began to worry more.

I took the bag out of the foil and was shot in the face with a cannonball of MINT scent.  Oh lord the mint!  My entire kitchen suddenly smelled of mint from the one tea bag!  I mean.... look at that bag, that's nothing but peppermint.  It was like living in an elf house at the north pole levels of peppermint.

Ok, so I brewed up the cup and took a sip..... and was delighted.  It was like drinking a hot steaming cup of unsweetened candy cane but ... in a good way.  I paired it with my lamb korma curry and was delighted all the way through the cup.  

Honestly, a lot of that is just that the quality of the mint is superb.

Verdict:  More please!


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