Fortnum & Mason Tea Advent Calendar - Day 10 Countess Grey


Hooooo boy did I get excited when I opened the door and saw the name of this tea!  Earl Grey is black tea with bergamot, Lady Grey is Earl Grey with added cornflower, so I was super excited to see what sort of variation Countess Grey would be.  Turns out, Countess Grey is Earl Grey with added orange.  ORANGE!!!  *squee!*

I love black tea with orange.  So, I imagined that Earl Grey with added orange would be the epitome of delightful on my palate.  I was so certain from the write up alone that I would like the blend, that I gambled and made not a cup, but an entire POT off of the tea bag.

....... I have NO REGRETS.

It was delicious straight off the steep.  A lovely amount of bergamot with the added hint of citrusy orange.  On one of the cups, I added some cream and with the milk there is an added slight floral note that I'm not familiar with which I can only assume is the taste of the marigold flowers on the ingredient list.  It's not at all unpleasant, in fact I quite enjoyed it... but I do think I prefer the tea without cream because that way I can taste the orange stronger.

Final thoughts:  I want more.  Now.  Oh, oh look, there's still some left in the pot - goodie!!


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