Tea Review: Russian Tea Time house blend

Back in 2016 the family and I went to Chicago for a vacation and while there we had afternoon tea at this marvelous place we found called Russian Tea Time. My Dad, who is a coffee drinker and NOT a tea drinker simply LOVED the tea we had there - and has since, measured every other cup of tea he's had against his memory of the tea from Russian Tea Time. So, for Father's Day, I managed to track down a tin of the house blend that we had at the restaurant. This is the tin that came in the mail. Honestly, I don't remember there being a Black Currant taste to the tea back then - I thought of it more as a Russian Caravan type of blend but..... this is the House Blend, and that's what we had.... so I brewed us up a few cups to try. Ok... wow, in the mug it could be masquerading as coffee with that color! This stuff is BOLD and STRONG. I tend to be heavy with the leaf when I brew my tea, but I think for this blend I don't need to be. The black currant is much ...