Tea Review: Republic Chai by The Republic of Tea

 Today I decided to try out the second blend in the Republic of Tea gift sample box - the Chai.

Now, those who know me know that I have rather high and specific standards when it comes to chai.  For me, the spicier and pepperier the better.  This particular blend is not peppery, but I can taste the spice blend.

On the nose, before steeping, what I smell most is actually the orange peel.  After steeping, the nose is mostly the chinese star anise and the cardamom seeds.

Flavor wise, the orange peel and cardamom make up the bulk of the flavor and I actually taste them more than I taste the actual tea.  It's a nice mellow tea - but I enjoyed it much more after I stopped thinking of it as an actual chai.

I was surprised by the lack of color that came in after the full 5 minute steep - but I was also surprised at how much I enjoyed the mellow spicing and the not too strong black tea flavor.

Final thoughts - it's nice and pleasant.


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