Tea Review: Outlaw by August Uncommon Tea

It's been nearly two months since I was in the mood to try out one of my new blends from August Uncommon Tea. When searching through my cupboard this morning for what I wanted to drink, however, this blend called out to me. I've been in the mood for smoky teas of late - but I wanted something more complex in flavor than a Lapsang or a Russian Caravan, and the write up on this made it seem like it would fit the bill. When I opened the bag and took a whiff of the blend, I immediately wondered if I had made the right choice and worried that after brewing I might have to throw the entire pot out. Why you ask? Because the nose on this blend before brewing is ALL CHERRY ALL THE TIME. I feared from the scent that I was going to have a pot of tea that tasted like cough syrup. As soon as the water hit the leaf, my fears didn't dissipate, but instead changed. The initial hit of water sent up a scent something akin to the scent of pipe tobacco and turned my stom...