Adagio Teas Advent Calendar 2020
Last year I did the David's Tea advent calendar and found myself some lovely new blends from a company I wasn't very familiar with. I'd had some of their teas before and really enjoyed them, but only a few and so I loved trying blends I never would have purchased for myself.
I had so much fun with the experience last year that I decided to do it again this year and choose a different tea company to explore. I settled on Adagio Teas because their calendar looked so cute in the add.
The inside of the Adagio Teas advent calendar
Last year's David's Tea calendar design was a bunch of little drawers that pulled out to reveal pouches of loose leaf tea portioned for two. I like this punch/perforation pocket design better. The little drawers slipped out before their time a lot and revealed blends before their days. This also feels a lot more like the little chocolate advent calendars that I had as a kid. However, the little loose leaf pouches in this calendar are portioned for only one cup. I didn't realize how much of my fun from the calendar last year was sharing the tea portion with my Mum and comparing our different reactions to the tea. In a year that already feels lonely, this one cup portion that excludes me from sharing the tea adds an un-needed touch of loneliness every time I make the tea.
Day 1 - Spiced Apple Chai
Black tea, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, orange, cloves, apple pieces, natural apple flavor, natural cinnamon flavor.
This smelled lovely when I opened it and the leaf looked good - however - the brew looked weak.
Pretty weak in color for a black tea
Sadly, the taste matched my impression of the sight of the brew.
Straight off the steep it tasted like water that was slightly off. So I added some hot buttered rum mix for the extra spice and sweet.... and it still tasted like mostly water (which is weird because the mix I used usually makes everything super holiday spicy creamy yum). I added a splash of the Sazerac rye and finally it had some flavor pop.
The Sazerac rye and buttered rum brands that I used
Final thoughts: Too much work to pull out the flavor for my palate.
Score: 0 for 0
Day 2 - Elderberry Wine
Hibiscus, rose hips, elderberry, echinacea, apple pieces, lemon grass, raspberries, blue cornflowers
First off - it's a tinsane and does not include any actual tea... .which was not what I was wanting for my first cup of the morning. I immediately made plans to make myself of caffeine filled goodness once I finished the cup.
As with any tea or tinsane with hibiscus, the color was quick to come in and the natural sweetness meant that I didn't need to add any sugar. Hibiscus can be overpowering on my palate, but the elderberry in this managed to come through nicely. That having been said, those were the only two flavors I could get and they were very one note. Halfway through the cup I was bored of it.
Final thoughts: It didn't suck, but it's not memorable.... and I was immediately ready afterwards for some real tea.
Score: 0 for 2
Day 3 - Golden Turmeric Chai
Turmeric inclusion, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, fennel, black peppercorn, natural spicy cinnamon flavor
Another caffeine free tinsane. My first sip straight off the steep was terribly disappointing. There was no flavor. I added some sugar and got some flavor. I kept drinking not because I was inspired, but because I wanted a cup of hot water and that's what it tasted like I had.
Oddly, the flavor of this one builds. By the time I was finishing the mug, I was drinking a tasty spiced drink. I just don't think I should have to wait nearly a full cup before my watery insane tastes tasty.
Final thoughts: Pass
Score: 0 for 3
Day 4 - Cherry Marzipan Oolong
Oolong tea, cinnamon, apple pieces, rose hips, natural wild cherry flavor, natural almond flavor, cherries, rose petals
First - yaaaaaay caffeine! Finally!
Second - I was instantly worried when I read "cherry flavoring". Cherry flavoring and I don't get along. I was right to be worried. The instant I took a sip, my mouth was flooded with fake cherry flavor and I couldn't taste anything else. It has a similar feel on my palate to the excess tannins you get when you over steep tea so... on its own, this tea and I are not a match.
However, I decided to try and trick my palate and fight the fake cherry rather than giving up and pouring out the cup. So, I took a piece of almond Kringle from Trader Joe's and heated it up. I took a second sip of tea (OMG THE CHERRY) and then a bite of the Kringle. Instantly, the cherry vanished and my mouth was filled with a tasty marzipan flavor. The Kringle can tend to get a little too sweet for me at times, but the oolong stripped away the excess sweetness and I got to experience that amazing seesaw of sweet and bitter that you get when you do a ceremonial green tea and a good sweet.
Final thoughts: I can't drink this on its own, but with anything sweet almond like a marzipan, pincess cake, Kringle, or cake it is AMAZING. Alas, score wise, it's still a loss since I can't drink it on its own.
Score: 0 for 4
Day 5 - Pu-erh Chorange
Pu-erh tea, orange, cocoa nibs, natural chocolate flavor, blue cornflowers, natural orange flavor
Why do people insist on ruining tea by adding chocolate??? WHY??
I read the ingredients on this blend and was instantly sure that I was going to take a few sips and pour out the rest. It was better than I expected - which is to say that it didn't make me gag.
I paired it with some sticky date cake and cream cheese to mask the nasty cocoa flavor and managed to get through the whole mug.
Final thoughts: Nooooope.
Score: 0 for 5
Day 6 - White Pear
White tea, apple pieces, natural pear flavor
I continue to not be a fan of white tea. Mum, who IS a fan of white tea, says that this blend has too many tannis for her. The pear is dominant in the fragrance, but I taste the apple more.
Final thoughts: I poured this out and made myself a cup of black currant black tea.
Score: 0 for 6
Day 7 - Raja oolong chai
Oolong tea, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, chicory, cocoa nibs, atural spicy cinnamon flavor, black peppercorn, cloves
This would be AMAZING... if it weren't for the cocoa nibs. Honestly people, stop ruining tea with chocolate. Just stop.
The spice level on this is delightful, the spice ratio is lovely, the smoke level on the oolong is splendid, the addition of the chicory is creative and unique.... and then there's JUST enough chocolate to give me a headache by the end of a mug.
Final thoughts: Fuck chocolate in tea.
Score: 0 for 7
Day 8 - Almond oolong
Oolong tea, natural almond flavor
Black straight off the steep, this is... nice. With a touch of sugar, it's pleasant. Paired with an almond-y sweet treat, it is quite delightful.
I don't usually like almond in my tea - but I've only had it in black tea, not oolong. The natural smoke of the oolong accents all the parts of the almond flavor that I actually enjoy.
Final thoughts: I would buy this again.
Score: 1-7
Day 9 - Strawberry banana split
green rooibos tea, rose hips, apple pieces, lemon grass, natural banana flavor, natural straberry flavor, strawberries, natural creme flavor, blue cornflowers
Straight off the steep... the only flavor on my palate was a slight green tea flavor and a strawberry aftertaste. When I added a teaspoon of Coldstone sweet cream creamer, it tasted like a subtle straberry ice cream with JUST a hint of banana. Not terrible - but not great.
Final thoughts: I wouldn't buy it again because it's just not my style, but it's not bad and was a pleasant enough cup. Still..... not a win.
Score: 1-8
Day 10 - Blackberry sage oolong
Oolong tea, sage, raspberry leaves, natural blackberry flavor, raspberries
I read the name of the tea and got very excited. I read the ingredients and was confused by the raspberry. I opened the package and was knoced over by how strong the raspberry scent was and how massive the clumps of sage were.
Look at those massive clumps of sage!!!
I sniffed the tea in my cup and was nearly knoced over by the sage fragrance. I took a sip and it felt like I was sucking on a sage bush. I took a second and third sip to try to see if there was anything else going on... but my tongue broke out in bumps from an allergic reaction.
I poured the rest out and took a Benadryl.
Final thoughts: NOOOOOOPE
Score: 1 - 9
Day 11 - Cocomint green
Green tea, cocoa nibs, natural chocolate mint flavor, peppermint leaves.
I was good - I tried it even though it said chocolate. The first sip ..... was worrisome. Then, I made the mistake of taking a bite of my sandwich with provolone cheese. It made the tea turn into nothing but bittersweet chocolate.
*insert hurling noise here*
Down the drain it went and off I went to fix myself a cup of spicy chai.
Final thoughts: Epic fail.
Score: 1-10
13 days to go.... but the score so far does not bode well for my chances of finding new blends that suit my palate. Still, I will persevere!!
Day 12 - Campfire S'mores
Black tea, marshmallow, cocoa nibs, dark chocolate chips, natural chocolate flavor, vanilla creme flavor, safflower, lapsang souchong tea
Top note- chocolate
Mid note chocolate
End note dark chocolate
Aftertaste- dark chocolate with tannins.
Poured it down the drain after 3 sips.
Final thoughts- this was like chocolate and tea had a revenge sex baby. Just.... no.
Score: 1 - 11
Day 13 - White Chai
Ginger, lemon grass, cinnamon, pineapple pieces, white tea, coconut, cloves, cardamom, natural spice flavor, apple pieces, red peppercorn, natural cinnamon flavor
This never really had any color come in. It’s lemongrass water with a touch of pepper and ginger and the astringency of tea on the side of my tongue as the end note.
Final thought: one step above chamomile
Score: 1-12
Day 14 - Honebush Banana Nut
Honeybush tea, apple pieces, cinnamon, cocoa nibs, natural banana flavor, natural chestnut flavor, marigold flowers
The banana worried me. Then the ingredients listed cocoa nibs and I think you all know by now how I feel about chocolate in my tea- but I tried it anyway.
For once, the chocolate didn’t bother me. I couldn’t taste it past the chestnut flavoring. The banana scent though was so strong that every time the cup came near my nose I wanted to hurl..... so I put up with that sensation for 5 sips before I chucked it down the drain.
Final thoughts:

Score: 1-13
Day 15 - Honeybush Blueberry Pancake
Honeybush tea, rose hips, apple pieces, maple flavor, blueberries, natural blueberry flavor, blue cornflowers, vanilla creme flavor
Needs no cream or sugar. The maple certainly comes through, as does the blueberry.
Not the biggest fan of the aftertaste, but my biggest critique besides that is that it isn’t something I would want to drink every day.
Final thought: omg this was actually a pleasant cup of tea!
Score: 2-13
Day 16 - Chocolate Truffle
Black tea, cocoa nibs, natural chocolate flavor, chicory, dark chocolate chips, cocoa, blue cornflowers
I kid you not, I opened the calendar pocket and the words “OH FOR FUCKS SAKE” poured out of my mouth when I saw the pouch.
For as much chocolate as in in this, I expected more actual chocolate flavor. Sean described it accurately when he called it dark bitter water. It really was jus water with color and bitter. I couldn’t taste the chocolate at all... boy could I FEEL it though. Three sips in and I was getting a very sharp headache from the dark chocolate.
Final thoughts: down the drain
Score: 2-14
Day 17 - Earl Grey Bella Luna
Black tea, coconut, blue cornflowers, natural coconut flavor, natural bergamot flavor, natural creme flavor
I was gunna be really pissed if they messed up Earl Grey. They didn’t.
The coconut was an interesting addition. I don’t know that it added anything, but it didn’t take anything away.
I slightly over steeped it (my own fault for leaving the room on a phone call)- but the addition of some sweet cream covered my mistake and made this a lovely cup of creamy Earl Grey.
Final thoughts: while it’s a win for the calendar since it’s a good cuppa- it’s not an Earl Grey blend I would buy over some other companies.
Score: 3-14
Day 18 - Rooibos Nutcracker
Rooibos tea, apple pieces, cocoa nibs, natural caramel flavor, marigold flowers, natural hazelnut flavor, blue cornflowers, natural chestnut flavor
It has cocoa nibs, so I was concerned- but it gave me no headache and didn’t taste of chocolate. The Hazelnut was the dominant flavor for me and it t was all a bit one note.
Final thoughts: it didn’t suck, but it was nothing to write home about. A success for the calendar, but not one I would buy again.
Score: 4- 14
Day 19 - Gingerbread
Black tea, natural gingerbread flavor, cinnamon, orange, ginger
It sorta smells like gingerbread, and the color gets really dark which I like (forgot to take that pic sorry).
The tannin hit on this was far more substantial than I was prepared for. I couldn't drink this black. Once I creamed it with eggnog, it was a very nice cuppa.
Final thoughts: the spices don't pop out as much as I'd like, but it's not bad.
Score: 5-14
Day 20 - Decaf Hazelnut Cin Creme
decaf ceylon tea, cinnamon, cocoa nibs, orange, natural hazelnut flavor, marigold flowers, natural cinnamon flavor, natural creme flavor
Nice enough. The cinnamon comes though at a pleasant level, but there's enough of it that I needed to cream the tea with milk to fight the drying effect of the tannin + cinnamon action. I was worried about the cocoa nibs, but I can barely notice they're there and they didn't give me a headache - the hazelnut hid it I think. Because, I can taste the hazelnut. Once I added milk, every once in a while I get a sip that reminds me of nutella.... which is NOT a bad thing.
Final thoughts: A nice cuppa - but again, nothing to write home about.
Score: 6-14
Day 21 - Rooibos Noel
Rooibos tea, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, apple pieces, orange, natural spicy cinnamon flavor, rose petals, natural almond flavor, natural orange flavor
I wanted to like this. I really did. It reads so tasty and it smelled divine.... but the scent did NOT translate into any flavor. On occasion one sip would sorta make me feel like I was sucking on a potpourri sachet.
Final thoughts- waste of hot water
Score: 6-15
Day 22 - Candy Cane
Black tea, candy cane pieces, peppermint leaves, natural candy cane flavor
A black tea with peppermint.
Straight off the steep, I couldn’t do it. It was bitter mint with the aftertaste of mediocre black tea.
Dropped in a sugar cube and it was much better- good enough that I made it through the cup- but I was forcing myself in the second half.
Final thoughts- the Trader Joe’s standard peppermint tea is SOOOO much better and way easier to get ahold of. So- never gunna buy this.
Score: 6-16
Day 23 - Yuletide Toddy
Rose hips, hibiscus, apple pieces, orange, ginger, cinnamon, cherries, natural cranberry flavor, natural cinnamon flavor, natural orange flavor, natural ginger flavor
Not tea. It's a tinsane - but with some tinsanes I can still treat them as tea. Not here. This is not a tea. This is a hot watery wassail style winter drink that you should use as a base. It would be great with some cider and extra toddy mixed in.... but then... if you're going to go through that much work, just make full on wassail or an actual hot toddy.
Final thoughts: not worth it.
Score: 6-17
Day 24 - Christmas
Black tea, cinnamon, orange, natural spice flavor, cardamom, cloves, ginger, natural ginger flaor, natural cinnamon flavor
The ingredient list made this sound like it would be AMAZING. It was .... ok.
Some teas are not made for drinking straight but are meant to be the base of a more complicated drink. This is one of those second kinds.
I added some hot buttered rum batter from Trader Vic’s and some Tuaca and it became delicious.
Final thoughts: I think the adagio teas te blenders and I do not have compatible palates.
Score: 7-17
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