
Showing posts from January, 2023

Tea Review: Holiday Bled from Los Rios Tea House

 Mum and I went to a special invitation only shopping event at our local tea house around Christmas and while we were there, this house holiday tea blend was on hand for sampling - so of course, we imbibed (we had to do SOMETHING to counter the three free glasses of champagne we'd each had!) The aroma of the leaf is DIVINE!  I mean, you can SEE the massive bits of orange peel and the cloves in with the leaf.  In all honesty, the amazing fragrance does not translate to the brewed tea fragrance, but it DOES translate to the flavor, which is the important part. The color is just beautiful and belies the rich flavour of the black tea base. Fresh off the steep, Mum and I both agree that the blend is.... nice.  It's nothing special.  A serviceable strong black tea that would stand up to the heavy foods of a Christmas meal. When we added just cream, it softened the mouth feel in a wonderfully pleasant manner, and took the tannin level down a touch.  So, cream alon...